Where To Go When
Coming to university may feel like a big adjustment. Rest assured, there is a wide range of personal and academic support available. Through these open doorways, you will find encouragement, guidance and inspiration. You just have to take the first step.
Indigenous Student Services & First Nations House: Academic and personal services for Aboriginal students, resources for all students
Academic Success: Resources and Learning Strategists to help students build academic skills
Accessibility Services: Resources to help students navigate their disability and related barriers, access to peer support and academic opportunities
Ask a Librarian: Online chat service for help with research
Career Exploration & Education: Career support for students and graduates, experiential opportunities
Centre for Community Partnerships: Resources and outside-the-classroom activities for community-based experiences
Centre for International Experience: Meeting place for international students and domestic students looking to go abroad
Clubs & Leadership Development: Support for students in formal leadership positions and students interested in leadership opportunities
College Deans of Students and Student Life Offices (found in each college): Information and advice about student-life activities, residence and commuter-student support
College Registrar’s Office: Advising on personal, academic, financial, family or career issues
Department and Program Advisors: Specifics on courses, programs, prerequisites and instructional issues
English Language Learning Program: Support to improve your English language skills
Family Care Office: Confidential guidance, resources and programming for University of Toronto families
Health & Wellness Centre: Medical and mental health services to help students academically and personally
Mentorship & Peer Programs: Professional development and programming for students in mentorship programs
Multi-Faith Centre: Support for spiritual well-being of everyone on campus, opportunities for interfaith learning
The Office of the Faculty Registrar: Transcripts, exam conflicts, final marks and exam re-reads
Orientation, Transition & Engagement: Co-curricular opportunities to support orientation and transition
Sexual & Gender Diversity Office: Education, resources and programming about sexual and gender diversity
Sidney Smith Commons: The brightest study spot on campus where you can meet with your classmates and join student-led programs, like Recognized Study Groups (RSGs)
Student Life programs and services: Academic support, health and wellness, career planning, diversity and equity offices, community safety and more
Sport & Physical Activity Facilities: Sports, athletic facilities, athletic programming