Think Outside the Box
Why Arts & Science?
See why we chose Arts & Science.
There is So Much Here for You
Keep your options open in first year.
Exploring Options
Try courses outside your program!
Welcome to Your College
Innis College
New College
St. Michael’s College
Trinity College
University College
Victoria College
Woodsworth College
Opportunities to Explore
First-Year Foundations Programs (Seminars)
First-Year Foundations Programs (Ones)
Undergraduate Research Experience
A Diverse Degree
Studying Abroad
Exploring Program Options
Breadth Requirement
Take your breadth courses early.
Build a Foundation
Think about prerequisites.
Elective Courses
Experiment with different courses.
Planning Your Schedules
Start Early
Start designing your schedule early.
Know Yourself
Build your schedule around your lifestyle.
Make a Course List
Keep a list of interesting courses to choose from.
A Supportive Network
Getting Academic Support
Work Study
Time Management
U of T Time
Classes start 10 minutes after the hour.
Commuter Tips
Factor in your commute times!
Avoid Burnout
It’s okay to take your time.
Welcome to Toronto
Big City Advantage
Study in the heart of a vibrant city.
Transitioning to Toronto
Discover things in Toronto that bring you joy.
A Home Away from Home
Toronto is a great place to call home.